Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

Outbound Activities Closed the Training of K3

Outbound Activities Closed the Training of K3

LAMONGAN – On Sunday, November 20th 2016, the Training of K3 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lamongan Islamic University (UNISLA) was continued with outbound activities. It was conducted in Mulyorejo beach, Gresik.
The outbound activities were divided into three posts where each post provides some games. The purpose of this game is to test the students' cooperation and understanding of problem solving for each group. 
In the first post, every group ordered to move the bottle tied to a plastic rope. The students have to close their eyes and there was one person of the group who lead their members. This game was intenden to train their leadership. 
In the second post, the participants move the water using former glass that tied on the head of each member.
And in the third post, participants enter a circle that has been made by the committee. They must go into a circle and does not allowed to get out of the circle line. 
These outbound activities was completed at 09.00 pm, where the participants and the organizers then continued with the provision of material events.
In an organizational matter, Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Madekhan Ali delivered the definition, purpose and organizational structure. 
"In an organization, we are required to play an active role, it can train our soft skills," he said. 
After that, it continued with the lecture of leadership by Abdullah Farich before Training of K3 event ended. 
"Everyone should be a leader, we are all leaders to ourselves," said Abdullah Farich, Lecturer Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP).

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